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引用 国际建筑规范  

2008-11-24 09:42:15|  分类: 土木工程翻译 交 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1. Glued-laminated timber  层板胶合木

2. translation 平移

3. quenched steel 淬火钢

4. tempered steel 回火钢.

5. glued laminated timber, 层板胶合木

6. resilient flooring 弹性地板

7. parquet floor镶木地板


??? Reinforcing bar, wire rod and wire


panic-bolt door, 太平门

pivoted swing door

side hinged door

exit door

egress door

sliding door



1.production machine, 专用机床

2.identification marks , 识别标志.

3. promulgate 公布

4.Trapezium formulae, 不规则四变形

5.BSI--British Standards Institution 英国标准协会

6.Royal charter, 皇家宪章.

7.Retrieval system 检索系统.

8. insulating concrete, 绝缘混凝土.

1. wythes, 烟囱隔板

2. collar joint, 环行接合

3. expanded shale,膨胀页岩

4. scratch coat,底涂层

5. brown coat, 二道抹灰

6. face ply, 表层单板

7. drywall screw, 墙用螺丝

8. pencil rod, 细钢杆

9. resilient clip, 弹性扣板

9. deluge valve

1.  common wire nail 普通圆铁钉

2. built-up foof covering, 组合覆层面

3. pitched roof 斜屋顶.

1. radiant flux 辐射流量

2. heat dissipation, 热传

3. metal ties 金属系件

4. bed joints 平缝

5. wound  缠绕

6. soffit, 天花底

7. stringer 纵梁

9.  wood flooring , 木地板

10. floor slab, 水泥板

11. perlite, 珍珠岩

12. vermiculite gypsum plaster 石膏蛭石灰浆

1. hose stream test, 水龙射水试验

4. wired glass 嵌丝玻璃

5. placeholder, 位置标志符

6. elevator car doors 电梯车厢

7. holdopen door 常开门

9. HVAC  system, 空调系统.

1. spandrel girder, 承重墙

2. roof sheathing, 屋面板

3. ledgers, 横杆

4. uppermost, 最高的,至上的.

5. shutter 百叶窗

6.voids 空隙

7. water curtain 水幕

8. counter flashing 泛水盖帽

9. curtain wall 幕墙

10. earth electrode 接地极

11. 端子排 terminal board

12.地漏 floor drain

13.弯头, angle fitting

13 topographic map 地形图

14.多孔砖 perforated brick

15. 分隔墙 partition wall

16.fire barrier wall

17. leading edge 引导端

18. fire partition 防火隔墙

19. swing door 转门

20. jamb 边框

21. rabbet 槽口

22. latching device 锁紧装置.

23. roof overhangs 挑檐

24. canopy 遮蓬

25. marquee 华盖

26. party wall 界墙

27. siding 侧线,护墙板

28. exterior sheathing 

29. spandrel girder 承重梁

30. roof sheathing 屋面板

31. ledgers 横杆

32. shutter 百叶窗

33. water curtain 水幕

34. counter flashing 泛水盖帽

35. curtain wall 幕墙

1. accessory occupancy, 附属用房

2. assembly area,

3. occupant load 居住荷载

4. allowances 限额.

5. horizontal assembly ?

6. grade entrance, 有坡度的入口.

1.   Pick-up time. The standby power system shall pick up its connected loads within 60 seconds of failure of the normal power supply.


pick-up time,怎样表达合适些呢?

2. core test, 岩心试验.

3. grade plane?

4. lot line, 地界线

5. street frontage, 临街面

6. steeple尖塔.

7. fair faced concrete, 清水面混凝土.

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